OUR Church Hinton St. George
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Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .
………………………………………………………………………………… Tel: …… ………………….. .
Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .
All personal details will remain with us and never be shared with anyone else I wish to make an immediate donation and enclose my cheque for £.. ………. . I would like to join ‘The Friends of OUR Church’ & donate £2 per month or £24.00 per year by Standing Order or by my enclosed cheque for £.. ………. .. I would consider making a donation in the future: YES/NO I would like to organise a fund raising event: YES/NO I would like to help with a fund raising event: YES/NO I have CDs and / or other items which could be sold: YES/NO Please contact me as I wish to discuss how I could help to save Our Church: YES/NO Please make cheques payable to: Our Church Hinton St George Bank transfers or Standing Order to: 30-93-20 ale 34487668 Standing Order and Gift Aid form attached. Please return this form together with any Standing Order and Gift Aid form In an envelope (addressed to OUR Church St. George) and leave In OUR Shop from where it will be collected. THANK YOU for your support.